Craft Talk with Malcolm Tariq
The Spiritual Lives of Poems: A Craft Talk by Malcolm Tariq This craft talk was originally featured in SER's Writer's Regimen: Your...
42.1 Interns
Interns Southeast Review, Vol. 42.1 Victoria D’Amico Daniel Fairman Maiya Johnson Kori Kestory Sarah Lerner Kennedy Lora
42.1 Masthead
Masthead Southeast Review, Vol. 42.1 EDITOR Natalie Tombasco (@gnatalielouise) ASSISTANT EDITOR Emilio Carrero ART EDITOR Haley Laningham...
42.1 Readers
Readers Southeast Review, Vol. 42.1 Yusef Akman Carrel Barber Zane Boyle Noah Brown Ann Chiodo Sriya Chakraborty Caroline Hampshire Hera...
Poetry by Patrick Wilcox
On Word Choice The house across the street was something. Say alive, not something. Something is vapid and closer to silence than...