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"About the Work" with Maria Poulatha

In our “About the Work” series, Olga Mexina and Tom Sokolowski ask recent contributors for insight into their writing or for current sources of inspiration. Read Maria Poluatha's work in SER Vol. 41.2.


I don't remember when I first heard of Agnes Ozman, but straight away, I was enthralled by her experience and her rise to fame. In that era, and particularly in that conservative setting, where a woman’s words were insignificant, suddenly words that were nonsensical, essentially gibberish, took on magical powers, rendered themselves holy. The tongue became the vehicle of the holy spirit, the woman, the sacred vessel of inspiration, and faith. It’s a fabulous trick. There was no better or faster way to elevate herself in society. Not that I believe Agnes was deceptive. Her faith, this ability to self-deceive, was overwhelming and that is why she was so convincing. This calling (I shy away from the word ambition), coupled with a sort of madness, is what creates movements and legends. 


MARIA POULATHA is originally from New Jersey and lives in Athens, Greece with her husband and daughter. Her stories have appeared in Split Lip, SmokeLong, Copper Nickel, Pithead Chapel, The Offing, and other lovely journals.

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