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For National Poetry Month, The Southeast Review is holding its first inaugural Editors’ Choice Digital Chapbook Prize for Emerging Writers, judged by editors Alex Quinlan and Dorothy Chan.

Deadline: May 2, 2018 at 11:59 PM EST

Entry Fee: $10

Winner will be announced June 1, 2018

The Winner Will Receive:

  1. Digital publication of their chapbook

  2. A publicity campaign through The Southeast Review website and social media

  3. In-print publication of selections from the winning work

  4. An interview published in an upcoming print edition of the journal

  5. A foreword written by the judges


The Southeast Review Editors' Choice

Digital Chapbook Prize

About the Judges


Dorothy Chan is the author of Attack of the Fifty-Foot Centerfold (Spork Press, April 2018) and Chinatown Sonnets (New Delta Review, 2017). She was a 2014 finalist for the Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowship. Visit her website at She wants poems that push her up against the wall (with her permission) and know what to do from there — poems of passion that run with the moment and let her feel and think and taste.

Dorothy’s favorite chapbooks: Caylin Capra-Thomas, Inside My Electric City (YesYes Books, 2016); Norman Dubie, The Fallen Bird of the Fields (Zone 3 Press, 2010); Elizabeth Alexander and Lyrae Van Clief-Stefanon, Poems in Conversation and a Conversation (Sleepy Hollow Chapbook Series, Slapering Hol Press, 2008); Taneum Bambrick, Reservoir (Yemassee, 2018); Terrance Hayes, Who Are the Tribes (Pilot Books, 2011); Chen Chen, Kissing the Sphinx (Two of Cups Press, 2015); and Dana Diehl, I’m looking forward to TV Girls (New Delta Review, 2018).


Alex Quinlan is the editor of The Southeast Review. His poetry, criticism, and reviews have appeared or are forthcoming in Bat City Review, Pleiades, Tampa Review, Scout: Poetry in Review, Dictionary of Literary Biography, and elsewhere. He wants poems that let their images do their thinking, lyrics with a narrative flair, work that begins in subjective experience but enlarges to include the shared world, and thereby illuminates both.

Alex’s favorite chapbooks: Ruth Baumann, A Thousand Ars Poeticas, (Sixth Finch, 2018); Kaveh Akbar, Portrait of the Alcoholic (Sibling Rivalry Press, 2017); Tiana Clark, Equilibrium (Bull City Press, 2016); Danez Smith, black movie (Button Poetry, 2015); Ross Gay and Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Lace & Pyrite (Organic Weapon Arts, 2014); Ocean Vuong, No (YesYes, 2013).


We only accept submissions online. Our digital chapbook submission period runs April 2 through May 2, 2018 at 11:59 PM EST.


Chapbook manuscripts must be 25 pages max. (not including cover page, table of contents, and acknowledgements page) submitted in .docx, .doc, or PDF formats. Please include only one poem per page.


Manuscripts should be single-spaced and typed in 12-point Times New Roman (or equivalent) font with 1-inch  margins.


Submissions are read blind. Please do not include your name or bio in the manuscript. This includes both the title page and text. You may provide a bio on the Submittable form, but this is optional.


Please include a title page that includes ONLY the title of your manuscript.

Poems may be previously published in journals, but the manuscript as a whole cannot be previously published. Please include publication information in the acknowledgements page.  


Simultaneous submissions are allowed and even encouraged! If your manuscript has been accepted elsewhere, please withdraw it immediately.


Manuscript revisions are not permitted once the manuscript is submitted.


Multiple submissions by the same author are allowed. But each new submission must be uploaded separately, with a separate entry fee for each.


The contest is open to any poet who does not yet have a full-length book published or under contract. Former and current students, friends, family, and colleagues of the judges are ineligible to submit. Former and current interns and masthead of The Southeast Review are also ineligible.

Response Time

The winner and honorable mentions will be announced June 1, 2018.


Please email us at

Best of luck! 

Alex + Dorothy

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