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The following works were featured in The Southeast Review Vol. 35.1


About the Artist:

Yi Xiao Chen is a self taught illustrator and ceramist living and working in Perth, Western Australia. By day she is a medical doctor in a busy tertiary hospital, but art has always been her most effective mode of communication. Her art practice has developed from a drawing obsession from her early teenage years, and is ever evolving and changing in a way that is somewhat beyond her control.


About the Art:

My current collection of work is made solely on an iPad app. The decision to make digital art is not a conscious one. Digital art allows more control and flexibility than typical traditional mediums, and therefore a natural choice for an artist with no formal training or a trove of technical knowledge. I have always been drawn to architectural forms of light and darkness and the sculptural quality of light on human forms. My figures are featureless and reductive, however character and emotion is conveyed with pools of light and darkness.


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