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The following appears in Yukon's chapbook, ATOA: A Meditative Poem Through the Alphabet, forthcoming from The Southeast Review.


Make a table from cherry stems. Make a window from straws. Make penguins appear every time someone sneezes. Make ghost riders a part of the collective. Make sage trails down my hallway. Make me go down on you by being polite. Make me say please. Make sandwiches at 8.30. Make dolphins use dial up. Make waves wait in line. Make shadows from moonlight and moonlight from rain. Make the word shoehorn sound more appealing. Make the dancing children sing. Make the echo last forever. Make the taste of dew linger. Make biscuits and gravy in the morning. Make pudding the night before. Make doorknobs less knobby. Make corners conver-sate. Make our memories inconspicuous to The Eraser. Make a marble dancing goddess dress a new wound. Make all the basil plants levitate. Make cats converge at every ascending degree. Make the new born babies universally agree to an ultimatum that allows for them to self-destruct. Make love. Make eggplant pasta after. Make it with fresh clumps of smoked mozzarella cheese layered in between freshly roasted San Marzano tomatoes and fried parmesan chips. Make a graceful exit after a poorly timed joke. Make a blindfolded speech at a ceremony. Make the ice cream truck return. Make the sedentary stain elongate. Make the majesty melt marshmallows. Make the bread moldy by misplacing your calendar. Make the weeping louder. Make sun salutations the birth of every rotation. Make the puffy-chair puffy only on Thursdays. Make the marker smell like vegetable curry. Make it less about the packaging. Make the loudest sound you can make and then never make it again. Make a saucy dinner for a saucy mouth. Make love every day in a different location. Make the neighbors want to join in. Make even the enemies laugh. Make the static thoughts face themselves. Make the ice cubes last forever. Make forever not too scary. Make the hand gestures worthwhile. Make the nodding end. Make the difference less noticeable. Make the spit taste good. Make the decadence foreign. Make the action of weaving less associative. Make the efforts you give a shit about worth giving a shit about. Make tofu cream cheese more readily available for the vegans. Make the deli man tell you a joke. Make jokes another option as payment. Make it a sequential part of the day. Make the goddamn wheel already. Make it in two layers. Make it portable. Make it laminated? Make it tonight? Make it so you have no choice but to do the work you are afraid of. Make it to remind yourself of your potential. Make it to remember Cindy Stowell. Make it to remind others. Make it so you don’t give up halfway. Make up the moments you wish you had. Make believe is necessary from ages 3-72. Make astronomers carrot cake. Make the peach cobbler and vanilla ice cream from scratch. Make the milestones make sense. Make the mothering beautiful. Make the aliens come. Make the breakdown between thought and language taste better. Make the eating stop. Make the landscapes in my mind a different shade of red.


Photo: Dennie Eagleson

Chewy Hannah Yukon is a hybrid multi-genre artist from Singapore. Her work investigates the inherent failure of articulation, both as a linguistic mechanism as well as a by-product of transmission. She explores, through mathematical explorations and cartographic data collection, the mind-thought-feeling triangulation of capitalism, post-colonial desire, and astrological synchronicity. Her recent film 42@location was screen in August 2017 at Haque Center of Acting and Creativity in Singapore and was also a recent recipient of the Graduate Engagement Fund from Pratt Institute where she recently received her MFA in Writing. A footnote in her ongoing manuscript Principels*of Geometry was recently published in Chaleur Magazine. Chewy performs at City Bear in Brooklyn every Thursday where she reads a letter from ATOA: A Meditative Poem Through the Alphabet. Chewy was born in New Zealand. She currently lives in Brooklyn, New York with her cat Micah. Check out her latest project at

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